
ICS Pentest

Specialized penetration testing for industrial control systems, which are crucial for operational safety and efficiency. This service ensures the protection of systems that handle critical processes.

What is an ICS Pentest?

An ICS Pentest also known as Industrial Control Systems Penetration Test, addresses unique security needs of sectors like energy and manufacturing. These assessments counter cyber-physical threats, ensuring systems remain safe from attacks with real-world, tangible consequences. Industrial Control Systems are the digital lifeblood of many sectors. An ICS Pentest isn't just about cybersecurity; it's about operational stability and public safety. Safeguard your systems, protect tangible assets, and ensure uninterrupted operations with comprehensive testing.

What are the benefits of ICS Pentesting

ICS/SCADA pentesting detects and eliminates security vulnerabilities.
Improves the resilience of industrial control systems against cyber attacks.
Ensures compliance with legal and industry security standards.
Minimizes operational downtime and prevents financial losses due to security incidents.

Why choose ICS Pentest By Websec?

What we review
Supported Frameworks
Commonly Found Vulnerabilities
Key features

What we review

We conduct ICS/SCADA assessments onsite, with expertise in examining production systems as well as test environments.

Our analysis is customized to your specifications, encompassing these areas of an ICS/SCADA system:

Ensure robust protection for all ICS/SCADA hardware components.
Comprehensive RTU/PLC/IED firmware vulnerability assessments.
Node service examinations to fortify communication endpoints.
Focused application security to deter cyber intrusions.
Top-tier encryption practices and system-wide testing protocols.

Highest Quality Pentesting

WebSec is dedicated to upholding the standards of the CCV-Pentesting Trustseal, a testament to our commitment to cybersecurity excellence:

CCV Standard Compliance: Our penetration testing rigorously aligns with the CCV's stringent requirements for comprehensive security evaluations.

Norm-Conforming Documentation: Each test is meticulously documented, adhering to CCV norms for transparency and precision.

Guaranteed Quality Testing: Clients are assured of receiving top-tier penetration testing services, validated by our adherence to CCV standards.

Expert Team with OSCP Certification: Every security specialist on our team holds an OSCP certification, ensuring depth and expertise in our testing processes.

ICS Pentesting Types

Internal ICS Pentest

From an internal standpoint, we scrutinize the crucial components of your ICS/SCADA systems, including servers, PLCs, and HMI screens, fostering unparalleled internal safety.

Our in-depth analysis, executed from within your controlled environment, aspires to expose every hidden vulnerability. The mission is to fortify your system's nucleus against potential internal breaches, ensuring a fortified line of defense from the inside out.

About internal ICS pentesting by WebSec:

Identifies vulnerabilities that could be exploited by insiders, such as employees or contractors with legitimate access to the systems.

Generally more expensive because it necessitates a specialized internal team to conduct the tests and understand the specific configurations of the ICS/SCADA systems.

Allows for continuous assessment of the security posture, taking into account the potential risks posed by internal stakeholders and system updates.

More comprehensive as it takes a holistic approach to security, considering both external and internal vectors to simulate sophisticated attacks, including those that might leverage internal knowledge or access.

External ICS Pentest

Surveying from an outsider's lens, we assess your ICS/SCADA system's robustness against external intrusions. Each publicly accessible aspect, from firewall configurations to exposed servers, undergoes rigorous testing.

Our focused endeavor is to build an unyielding barrier against external cyber threats in the expansive digital landscape. The goal remains to secure every potential entry point, rendering your system a fortress against external aggressions.

About external ICS pentesting by WebSec:

Identifies vulnerabilities that could be exploited by external adversaries-possibly through the internet or other external networks.

Can be a more economical option since it can be handled by third-party vendors without the need for a specialized internal team.

Conducted periodically to assess the security posture from an external standpoint helping to secure the perimeter.

Might be less comprehensive as it mainly focuses on protecting the system from external threats considering the publicly available information to simulate attacks.

Types of ICS/SCADA Pentests

black box illustration

Black box pentest

also known as closed-box penetration tests

  • Realism: Highly realistic.
  • Time: Fast (days), High chance of missing vulnerabilities.
  • Prior knowledge: None; Pentesters only receive basic information about the ICS/SCADA network or specific endpoints without access to control systems or detailed process documentation.
black box illustration

Grey box pentest

Combination of black and white box testing

  • Realism: Balanced.
  • Time: Average (week), Low chance of missing vulnerabilities.
  • Prior knowledge: Partial; Pentesters are given access to specific ICS/SCADA components, such as PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers), limited process flow diagrams, and network architecture documentation.
black box illustration

White box pentest

also known as open-box penetration tests

  • Realism: Unrealistic.
  • Time: Long (weeks), Very high chance of identifying unknown vulnerabilities but time-consuming.
  • Prior knowledge: Full; Pentesters are provided full access to all ICS/SCADA infrastructure, control system documentation, network configurations, process flows, and operational technology (OT) protocols.

Not sure what approach is best for you?

Our experts will help you!

Industrial Control Systems Pentesting Process


Gathering information

We begin by meticulously assembling vital data on your ICS environment, focusing on system configurations, network communications, and essential operational components to set the stage for the subsequent penetration testing phases.


Threat modeling

In this segment, we construct detailed threat models to anticipate potential attack vectors, aiming to architect a defense blueprint that protects critical infrastructural elements from diverse cyber threats in the industrial sphere.


Vulnerability analysis

Utilizing top-notch tools, we delve deep into your ICS setup to perform a comprehensive vulnerability analysis, identifying and categorizing potential security weak points and areas that could be exploited, thus painting a clear picture of the existing security landscape.



Here, we enact real-world attack simulations within a controlled environment, exploiting the identified vulnerabilities to understand the potential damage and unauthorized access pathways, thereby assessing the resilience of your ICS to cyber threats.


Post exploitation

Following the exploitation stage, we turn our attention to sealing the compromised avenues and reinforcing security measures, aiming to re-establish a fortified state, with a targeted approach to prevent future intrusions into your ICS environment.



To conclude, we deliver a comprehensive report highlighting the vulnerabilities unearthed during the testing, along with expert advice and actionable guidelines to enhance the security posture of your ICS environment for long-term resilience.

+120%Increased ICS Targets

As reported by the Industrial Security Institute, ICS environments are experiencing a 120% increase in cyber-attacks year-over-year, making it crucial for industries to employ rigorous penetration testing to safeguard critical infrastructures.

$2 MHourly Costs of IT-Security Related Downtime

Industry Analysts Inc. reports that the average cost of downtime due to a cyber-incident in industrial sectors is estimated to be around $2 million per hour, underscoring the critical role of our ICS pentesting services in maintaining operational continuity.

+200%Surge in ICS Incidents

The latest research by Control Systems Security reveals that security incidents affecting Industrial Control Systems have surged by 200% in the last two years, highlighting the importance of advanced pentesting solutions to detect and mitigate risks.

ICS Pentest FAQ's

decorative image about frequently asked questions
What is an ICS Pentest?
An ICS Pentest is a thorough examination of Industrial Control Systems (ICS), including SCADA elements, to pinpoint vulnerabilities and secure these crucial systems against potential cyber threats. ICS and SCADA systems are integral to operations in various industries, and our pentesting services aim to fortify them against any security breaches.
Why is it essential to conduct an ICS Pentest?
What approaches are applied during an ICS Pentest?
How do you guarantee the safety of the operational environment during the ICS Pentest?
What insights can one expect from the ICS Pentest report?
What distinguishes our ICS Pentesting services?

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